I’m turning 40 years old this August. Apparently, when one turns 40,
one is expected to celebrate in a particularly grand fashion. One
is supposed to go into their fourth decade on this planet with guns blazing,and taking 40 by the horns and owning it.
Or so I’ve been
I'm not really that one who's into big parties and celebrations since I find big parties hard to manage. Most of my birthdays were spent simply with family and friends. A small gathering with good food and beer would be enough for me.
The truth is, I never really had a grand birthday party (unlike my sisters who had their respective debuts. Ha ha!) but I didn't mind.
My birthday this year would not be different because as far as I am concerned, 40 is just another number. In my mind, age is irrelevant. It's not that I don't want to celebrate my birthday because I am still in denial or that I am not grateful to have reached my fourth decade in this earth, rather it the pomp and pageantry that comes along with a typical, socially warranted 40th birthday bash.
The idea that I should be holding an extravagant affair and all the preparations leading to such event holds little appeal to me. I dread it, to say the least.
I know that this is a milestone for me, a benchmark in my adulthood, a time to reflect on my achievements and
future goals, which is why I would like my 40th celebration to reflect my life. But I still have no idea how I want such celebration to be.
The truth is, I am just a simple man with simple joys. I enjoy watching movies and tv series such as Game of Thrones and Supernatural, among others.
I like taking out my dogs for a walk. I get my fix by training Brazilian jiujitsu and strength training in the gym. I love taking my wife to different places she haven't seen before and see her tear up with joy. I have fun playing with my nephews and scaring the hell out of them till they pee in their shorts. I enjoy camping and hike in the jungle to find that sweet spot with a waterfall and plunge in its cool waters. I love riding my motorcycle whether just to buy groceries or an out-of-town ride.
Right now, I feel
like I am finally at an age where I shouldn’t feel the need to succumb
to social pressure. At 40, I will do more the things that make me happy and fulfilled. Spend quality time with my family and renew friendships with those have touched my life significantly. Appreciate the simple things and count my blessings. I shouldn’t feel the need to to be envious of somebody's fortune but instead be grateful of the one I have. Give more to those in need of my help, especially those who have no means to pay it back.
Therefore, that is how I’m going to welcome my
40th natal day. I’m going to celebrate it exactly as I want to
— not according to what is trendy or cool, but in terms of what would make it meaningful. And it will probably seem unappealing, if not, boring to most, and that’s OK.
And that for me, is what being 40 is all about — doing what I want and living life on
my own terms. Frankly, I can’t wait.