Thursday, April 30, 2009

Summer Rain

I just love it when it rains.

It came early this year, on a quiet summer evening. Sitting on my window sill, the pitter-pattering sound of raindrops on the roof breaks the silence and monotony of the night. I welcome the rain with childlike anticipation, a welcome respite from the heat and grime that pervades the metropolis--and one's heart.

The rain comes to me as a time of refreshing.

From the toils of a hard day's work, to the uncertainty of waiting for a love lost. In the stillness of the night, it made me think about a lot of things. About memories and the present, of reality and flights of fancy. One could never stay forever in a world of make-believe; even if it is where you feel alive most. But the inspiriting thought is that you know you can always go back. Just as the rain fall in after what it seem to be an interminable dry spell.

That is how the rain makes me feel. It breathes life into my dreary heart, giving that hope to carry on loving and a renewed spirit to face life's uncertain expectations.

Raindrops on the roof
Scent of wet earth
The silent chill of solitude
Moments of eternal bliss.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, little one.

Your Tito Patrick didn't forget, palangga.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Boy Lubaton

Two days ago my brother Wowie and his wife Kate announced to the family that they'll be having a baby boy.

A baby boy!

As expected, everybody was ecstatic upon hearing the news. On my part, I would have brought out that box of cigars I'm keeping for special occasions such as this one, but I think I'll just save it for his birthday. He he!

My brother and his wife is probably coming up with a name for their boy. I've always thought that it's important to give a good name to a child. I'm sure the couple will find a strong and suitable one for my nephew. In the meantime, he will be our Baby Boy Lubaton, a God-send and my family's source of joy and delight.

Papa, wherever you may be, I know that you must be very proud of your grandson. Rest assured that we will raise him well, the way that you and Mama did for us.

Justify Full

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rock On.

Some of us had dreamed of being rock stars once upon a time.

I did.

Though that fantasy fleeted away as time went by, I admit still doing air guitars and drum solos on whatever surface whenever I hear my favorite rock songs... Okay, okay, so I sing along too, once in a while!:-)

Gotta love it.:-)