Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rainy Afternoon

I was out walking in downtown Manila late in the afternoon when it started to rain. What it seemed to be a light shower at the outset turned out to be a downpour -- as if heaven opened its floodgates on this part of the city. People darted to every nook and cranny they can squeeze themselves in for cover while others took out their trusty umbrellas. 

Taking refuge under an old building, I waited for the rain to stop. A cool misty breeze blew past and it soothed my tired and soaked body.. Listening to the pattering of raindrops and watching the gray-hued cityscape, I remembered  the first time I told you how I love the rain. You smiled at me with one of your sweetest smiles as if wanting to know more about this fascination of mine. Thoughts of us walking hand in hand in the rain then filled my thoughts. It made me smile.

I stepped off the curb and walked out to the street. The rain quickly enveloped me in her soft embrace...and I was happy.

Thank God for the rain. 

Thank God for you.

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