Monday, April 16, 2012

Beautiful Sunday

I wasn't really in the best of spirits the past few days. It felt like I lost something and was dying inside every time I wake up. Everything else seemed to be unimportant and was going through my days without passion. I sought refuge in my room and the familiar feel of my bed where I would just sleep so as to numb the gnawing pain in my heart.

But there was something about today when I woke up. I realized it was Sunday because of the clanging of the church bell in our nearby chapel calling its faithful for the morning mass. Still half asleep in my bed thinking about whether to get up or snooze a little bit more, a fleeting thought came to my mind, as if somebody whispered it to me in a dream.

Live for today, hope for tomorrow. 

Somehow those words lifted me up. I felt that it was a new day for me. To start afresh. It came to me that however low and discouraged I was the past few days, life begins each morning and that it is never too late to start again. 

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