At some point in a relationship or even marriage, this question comes to mind, for love or money? In these times of uncertainty, where the quest for a good life is primordial with the common man, this question comes to every person's mind--sometimes every so often.
For some, they say that it you can learn to love someone, for others, it is easier to love a rich man than a poor one. I guess we are all entitled to our own point of view in this matter, but what is right for you can be a mystery.
Let's admit it. All of us have this romantic notion of love that is "forever". That warm feeling of being wanted and accepted despite one's shortcomings, the passion and romance so deep that makes us believe that life is meaningless without our significant other.
At the outset, love conquers everything. But as the years go by, this love may waver. The question of love or money slowly creeps up to one's thinking like a nagging thought. For the lucky ones, they may have it all. Wealth, health and a stable future is at their beckoning. But for most of us, it would seem an eternal struggle that we have to go through everyday.
For the average person, he can work hard for a decent living but never really get to grasp that security and financial freedom that he so dreams of. But would that make him a lesser mortal than the more fortunate ones? I sincerely think not.
But life is full of struggles. Sometimes it would deal you things that would seem unfair and impossible. Moreover, it can affect you emotionally. For some, more than a little.
Every year that passes, we struggle. While it may be said that we have friends and a decent job, affording a secure life is still just a dream. That life where we achieve our dreams and sharing our blessings with our loved ones. A life where we don't have to worry about paying the bills, or sending our children to school and enjoying a comfortable lifestyle. Year after year, it takes a toll on you. And for a lot of people, this brings about depression.
For many, both young and old, single, married or separated, the question of love or money will surely present itself at some time. Life is full of choices. And every choice made determines one's future. So again, for love or money?
Whats your choice then? Is the choice between love or money that easy to make? Would you sacrifice love for money? For the security, the ability to enjoy life, to give to your children along the way? Will you regret your decision for the rest of your life? Will you miss the person you left behind, forever? Love or money? The money will never make you feel the way loving someone does. But then again, can you live without that love, that feeling, just to have the ability to never worry financially ever again?
If you can't, then was it really the right thing to do to give up that comfortable life to be with someone you really love? Did love make the difference then? After all, love can't pay the bills. So is it love or money?
What if you were brought up having very little in your youth? What if you dreamed of "love" but what came to you was just "money" that you start looking for love? Love or money?
What if you decide to be with a person with money or a really good future? You may never go through financial hardship, or live in a tight budget. But such relationship could not be as fate would have it and you meet an average person that you fell in love with. But he cannot afford the life you were used to when you had money. Do you still move forward and face life's uncertainties with him, or do you leave him and find someone with money?
Love or money? What does love mean to you? What does having money mean to you? Can you have both? Sure you can, if you're lucky. But much of the time it is a choice between love or money. Some can even convince themselves that it is love, but in reality, it is the money.
While there are many more scenarios where the choice between love or money can be told, the choice you make is yours and yours alone. And one could only pray that it is the right one. The one that would make you happy.
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